FAQ & Policy

ALL orders are shipped via USPS Priority Mail. 

Immediately after your order has been placed, a confirmation email with your order number will be sent to the email that you entered in at checkout. 

If you did not receive a confirmation email, there could've either been a typo made when the email was entered in at checkout, OR it could be in your email's spam mailbox. 

3-7 BUSINESS DAYS (business days do NOT include weekends or holidays) after you receive your confirmation email, your order will be shipped and you will receive an email with your TRACKING information!

Business days do not include SATURDAY,SUNDAY, or any HOLIDAYS marked on the calender. 

All products are HANDMADE by ASH; thank you in advance for your patience & support.

Because all orders are shipped via Priority Mail, they should only be in transit for 2-3 days (unless USPS is experiencing delays!) 


Q: Can you combine my orders?

A: Orders placed separately will be shipped separately. 

 Q: One of my orders arrived but the other did not. Can you update me on the status of my other order?

A: Orders placed separately will be shipped separately. You will receive your tracking information 1-7 BUSINESS days after the order is placed. 


-Refund Policy 

-Return Policy 

-Cancellation Policy




Refund Policy: 

Infinity By Ash has a strict "NO RETURNS" policy. Refunds can be provided if an issue occurs with your order. 

 Cancellation Policy:

 Cancellations can be done anytime before your order ships. Once you receive the email with your tracking information, this means that your order has been dispatched and can no longer be cancelled. 

Please contact me at: Infinitybyash@gmail.com to cancel your order. 

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